Fic: Familiar Grounds

Oct 23, 2012 23:37

Title: Familiar Grounds
Rating: NC-17
Length: 41K
Pairing: Amy/Rory, Amy/Rory/Eleven
Summary: Someone has been giving the people on Geros IV a leg up into the Iron Age. The answer seems simple at first, but quickly turns complicated, between raiding tribes, a greedy interstellar regime, and the Doctor's plans never quite going according to ...plan.
(set pre-season 7)
Notes: Right, first off, let me say that this story got way off track from my original idea, which was based off a line from the books in the first season with the Ponds, about Rory and the Doctor getting locked up together on the planet with the semi-llamas. The semi-llamas are still here, but that's about it. The story kept taking over and demanding I go in a different direction from everything I'd originally intended. Poor Rory.

Plot points gleefully stolen from a handful of TOS episodes, because I love me my campy sci-fi. Bonus points if you get all the references.

Much much thanks to such_heights for the cheerleading, hand-holding, betaing, and general awesomeness.

Available here on LJ in 9 parts, or here on the AO3 in 1 part.

character: amy pond, genre: adult, character: rory williams, rating: nc-17, genre: het, character: eleventh doctor, pairing: eleven/amy/rory, genre: slash, category: multi-chapter

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