Story: Kiss-O-Gram
Author: The trying-my-hand-at-a-new-thing
loveslashangstBeta: the overworked-and-underpaid
ophymirageCharacters: Amy Pond, Eleventh Doctor, TARDIS (implied)
Rated: PG-13 for sexually suggestive behaviour. This one’s more nice than naughty.
Disclaimer: Even if such a thing were possible, I don’t think the Doctor would take kindly to being “owned” by anyone other than the BBC.
Spoilers: Everything Series 5 to “The Time of Angels”, mostly because I think River Song is Moffat’s own Mary Sue, and must be stopped.
Summary: The Doctor didn’t know he’d ordered a Kiss-O-Gram.
Original source: First posted on the “Eleven-Era Kink Meme” ( ) to the prompt “Eleven/Amy, Kiss-O-Gram”
Okay, so here’s the dealio…
This is entirely O’s fault. She’s the one who introduced me to the damn Meme, and it’s been monopolizing my time ever since.
On with the show…
Kiss-O-Gram Crossposted to