fic: i was lost but your fool

Jan 17, 2012 17:52

Title: I Was Lost But Your Fool
Author: janeausten4ever
Characters, Pairings: Eleven, Amy, Eleven/Amy, implied Rory, River
Warning: AU (see notes)
Rating: A heavy PG-13, bordering on a soft R
Summary: The Doctor is supposed to be listening to the Chieftain's tale of trolls in the North Farthing.  He isn't.  He's looking at her.  Everything could have been different.
Word Count: 4557
Notes: This is an AU version of "The God Complex" scene, with added angsty dialog.  It also assumes Amy already knows the Doctor is married to River.  On top of that it weaves in AU S5 events with the goodbye scene.  Title from "Flume" by Bon Iver.

* * *

( "who would've guessed dreary could be so beautiful?")

fanfiction, series six, rating: pg-13, rating: r

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