
Jun 05, 2011 17:43

Title: Secrets
Author: Fuzzybloom
Word Count: 600 (I think)
Rating: Teen
Warning: Angst, slight spoilers, hints at adultery
Summary: Amy knows that Rory isn't the father of her child
Author's Note: An AU version of "A Good Man Goes to War"
Amy Pond gently cradles Melody to her chest, feeling her tiny fingers curl against the chilled skin of her neck. She could stand there for hours, just gently cuddling her daughter, holding her against her chest and whispering sweet words of love and encouragement to her. But she’s ever too aware of the multitude of soldiers standing behind her, armed with guns and staring daggers at her. It’s like the air is thick with both sorrow and hatred, pity and disgust. Her skin prickles with goose-bumps as the icy air nips at her ravenously.

Amy looks down into her daughter’s eyes, her daughter’s green eyes.

She doesn’t have green eyes.

Neither does Rory.

But she knows someone who does.

The Doctor.

The greenest eyes she’s ever seen, too, next to Melody’s. Crisp, sparkling green, illuminated and twinkling like a maelstrom is raging in her irises. Such a beautiful shade of green. Like grass sparkling with dew in the early morning, turquoise water lapping against a sandy shore.

“Two minutes.” The voice of Madam Kovarian is tinged with a sort of sardonic pleasure that makes her chest tighten in pain.

She gently places Melody inside the shocking white crib, sliding her fingers across her pink-tinted skin and committing the feel of it to memory. It’s so soft against her skin. Like velvet.

And those eyes.

Those bright, green eyes.

The Doctor’s eyes.

She knows, she knows all too well who Melody’s father is. And she knows who it should be. It should be Rory. The Last Centurion, the boy who waited 2000 years for her. But it isn’t. It isn’t Rory’s. It could never be Rory’s, even though it ought to be. She knows she ought to be as in love with Rory as he is with her, but she isn’t. She’s known this for such a long time now, and each day she tells herself she will tell him the truth about her feelings for him, but when Rory looks at her with those eyes, so full of unconditional love, she convinces herself she loves him.

“He’s the last of his kind.” She whispers, feeling a knife trembling in her throat.

Those brilliant green eyes are still staring up at her, and for a brief second she swears she sees the Doctor’s face instead of Melody’s.

“He looks young, but he’s lived for hundreds and hundreds of years.” She continues, her eyes now hot with stinging tears.

Melody reaches up at her with her fleshy pink fingers, and they graze against her cheek.

Now tears are rolling down Amy’s face. She swallows a ball of pain, choking a little on waterlogged sobs. “And wherever they take you, Melody, however scared you are, I promise you, you will never be alone.” She wipes a tear from her face.

Tears dribble down her skin, her face tightens, and pinpricks of pain shoot through her chest. The pain in her throat is so intense she can barely speak now.

“Because this man is your father.”

Rory will know. He’ll know the minute he sees Melody. He’s always been suspicious, always been insecure, and even though it exasperates Amy how angry he gets when she gets close to the Doctor she knows he has every right to be. She doesn’t want to imagine how he’ll react, but some weird dark part of her can’t help but wonder. Will he be angry? Probably. If so, will his anger be at both her and the Doctor? Most definitely.

Amy places a gentle kiss on Melody’s forehead. “His name is the Doctor.”


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