Ohmygosh in 24 hours it's so Christmas and I am so totally okay with not getting presents because it is so totally HIP and TRENDY to buy all your stuff at the Blue Ridge Ingle's and I will not be sad about next week even though I wanted to get my fish and see my friends and not be alone and I won't cry myself to sleep because if I am sad then I lose my car for 6 months as a punishment for feeling a negative emotion and then I'll REALLY be sad and nobody will want to read my whiney LiveJournal entries anymore.
/runon sentence.
To be fair, I actually wouldn't mind money. Instead of spending it on cheap whores and marijuana like I usually do, I'll probably buy some books. Books ABOUT cheap whores and marijuana. Ba-dum-chh.
To be even more fair, my whining is more for a comedic/dramatic effect. You CAN'T be sad on Christmas/Christmas Eve/The month of December!
Maybe I've been out of the loop. Maybe I'm just really horrible at keeping up with pop culture. Whatever. But it seriously shocks and saddens me to bring you
Jason, you were my favorite Schwartzman! You always look less strung out and baked than your brother and you were never in ANY of the Princess Diaries movies. What the hell happened? Now, I can handle facial hair in small amounts. Some people pull it off really well and J.Schwartz always, ALWAYS pulled off scruffy to his advantage. But now? I'm pretty sure I saw him in the rifle aisle of the Blue Ridge Wal-Mart last month.
So I'm wodering, right? Is this for a role? Is he playing Kevin Federline? Please tell me they're making a movie about the Cletus K. Fed and that is why he looks this way.
It's gotta be that.
Actually, I checked IMDb JUST TO MAKE SURE and the next thing up for him is a role as Louis XVI in Marie Antionette directed by none other than Sofia Coppola. More excitingly, Kirsten Dunst is playing Marie Antoinette and from the looks of the up-beat 80s/British Pop inspired trailer, OHMYGOSH she is wearing a bra! I'll be seeing the movie just for that.
When googling "Kevin Federline" to find a picture, visually proving to you Schwartzman's new homage to Federline's "beard" and "haircut", I found THIS:
and I laughed for an entire 60 seconds.
The next time I update it'll be 2006 and I'll be back to worrying about grades and joint enrollment and college. Worry is, you know, what I do best. Althought it may appear to be on the contrary, next week will be kinda nice, seeing as how it'll be school-worry-free.
What's everybody doing for New Years? Resolutions? Mine is not lose weight but to stop gaining weight because this is really just getting ridiculous and out of hand. If I ate ho-hos I'd say, "Lay off the ho-hos lady" but I don't so I won't.
Have a merry Christmas, kids and then a subsequent enjoyable Hannukah! Love, love! ♥!