[Liz has had an irritating few days, her husband has been reduced to a drone and probably forever, and she still was feeling a bit odd from the milk, food just didn't seem appetizing.]
[Thor is, as luck would have it, driving his own chariot around the park; having the goats back has been reason enough to shirk responsibility and spend his time clattering around the streets of Mayfield for the past few days.
However, glancing across the park as he thunders by and catching sight of himself, vanishing into the body of-- a girl? What?-- is reason enough to come to a screeching halt, throwing up a shower of sparks from the wheels. He has no idea what he just saw, but he believes what little his eyes told him - does someone here think to work dark magic wearing his form?
He leaps from the driver's seat and crosses the grass, booming at Liz as soon as he's within earshot:]
"There is only one Thor for every reality, but how many realities exist? How many different nows are there for the gods to play in? Perhaps there is a world that never ceased to worship you, but the you there is not the you here for you are simply you. Just as there may be an infinite number of me. It is something worth pondering, but not something worth loosing sleep over."
"But I am not wearing your form... Unless... My eyes deceive me and you are a sleight woman with gold eyes. I merely have made a pact with a you from another world to fortify my spirit and lend his powers to my quest of slowing the race to Ragnarok."
You have stolen my power - it is the same as wearing my form!
[Thor is not well-versed in cosmology or viking metaphysics, but nonetheless he sees something wrong here. Something very wrong. How can it be that Mayfield would send him here twice?]
You are a witch. No being, be he god or man or giant, can change the running of ages! Do you mean to doom us all?
"You can still use your powers, can you not? I have stolen nothing here. As for the running of ages... I did not say prevent, I said slow. Where I come from there are those who think if they cause it to happen before its time is due, that they can take power afterwards. All things must happen in due time."
However, glancing across the park as he thunders by and catching sight of himself, vanishing into the body of-- a girl? What?-- is reason enough to come to a screeching halt, throwing up a shower of sparks from the wheels. He has no idea what he just saw, but he believes what little his eyes told him - does someone here think to work dark magic wearing his form?
He leaps from the driver's seat and crosses the grass, booming at Liz as soon as he's within earshot:]
YOU! Sorceress!
[She smiles and bows]
What was that?
[He is pretty damn sure he would have remembered this person.]
...WELP. When in doubt, yell at the problem.]
I tell you true, I made no such pact with you, in this or any realm! Think you that I will forgive the one who wears my form as though he were me?!
[Thor is not well-versed in cosmology or viking metaphysics, but nonetheless he sees something wrong here. Something very wrong. How can it be that Mayfield would send him here twice?]
You are a witch. No being, be he god or man or giant, can change the running of ages! Do you mean to doom us all?
[...nope. He still doesn't remember making a deal with this person. Hence: Bullshit.]
I do not believe it!
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