Notices and note-takings

Nov 16, 2009 18:38

So I'm kind of doing a comic right now, maybe? I just bought a copy of Jeffrey Brown's book Little Things, and since he's fast becoming one of my favorite comickers he inspired me to greatness trying something. I also just found out that Toxic Ranch, the record store on 4th Ave, sells zines and comic booklets, so if I manage to finish this and make it look good, I might try to sell copies there.
Things with Amanda continue apace. We've kissed a couple times (I like kissing her you guys), and gone on a few more dates, all of which involve Revolutionary Grounds in some way or another. I am torn between wanting to take it slow and wanting to totally rush into things.
Also: Tomorrow night is the massive meteor shower, and if things that are fun don't happen that night, I'll be bummed.

what i done done, let's make a date, comics

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