Here is the news:
- I am getting glasses
- I had a pretty good christmas
- My resolve never to have children has strengthened
- I have spent all of my time either reading or crocheting animals
- All of the animals are out of proportion in some way, the worst offender is Evan's bear which has a football head on accident.
- Christmas gifts might be a tad shoddy due to lack of skill, I am sorry.
Bad Things
finding out that social anxiety continues even when there's no reason for it
almost having to repeat senior year
the Allie Debacle
fighting with Florence
My grandad breaking his knee in a car accident
My Nana maybe having alzheimers too
Prop 102
The gradual breakdown of everything I own
Good Things
First proper girlfriend
Lovely new friends!
Making up with Florence
Not talking to Allie
Intro to hookah and the joys thereof
Obama winning the election
working up the courage to wear skirts and dresses (someday: shorts!)
Special People
Internet friends! I like you all very much. You make me smile.
College peoples, esp. Ash, Maggie, Nora, Andrew, and Aaron. NICEST PEOPLES EVAR
My extended family that I came out to, and who for the most part were accepting if not particularly vocal about it.
My sister, who totally shocked me with her maturity and general awesomeness!
Actually go to the rec center, since there's really no excuse not to
Get decent grades in EVERY class this semester, not just most of them
Skip class less often
Be less of a weird recluse
Go to a concert (if money allows)
On that note, spend less money on stupid shit.