We won't need legs to stand

Nov 12, 2008 14:32

Today I not only haven't gone to class, I also haven't left my dorm other than to walk across the street and get a soda, nor have I worked on my essay or my research project thesis. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. I mean, my mom is losing her job and therefore I might possibly lose funding for U of A, which means I'll have to keep my grades up in order to not get sent home. So what's my immediate reaction? Sleep all day and skip class in favor of reading books and lying around being depressed.
Last night I had a whole succession of dreams that I don't really remember, but I did wake up in a state of massive irritation because they were shitty dreams...and then I got annoyed at my blankets, and then at myself, and then at my clothes...I really hate myself when I get like this. There's no good reason for it, and that's the real pisser. I hate it when depression takes over.
These are my goals for the day: Go see my advisor at 4:00 today, write my thesis for the LGBT Studies paper, and get a clear idea of what I need to write on my English paper (which I can write fully tomorrow and which I WILL FUCKING DO -- there's a deadline).
If this gets done, I can either do something fun with friends or watch 28 Days Later. Given that I've been stupidly antisocial lately, it'll probably be the movie, but I need to at least try to talk to other people today.

Yaaay whining! I am so sorry, friendslist. I am the most uninteresting blogger.

cheese with that whine?, emotions, college

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