
Aug 14, 2008 09:53

I'm not going to be online tomorrow (probably) so I'll do my stupid comic friday thing today instead. I think this one is a little better than the last two-for one thing it's shaded and for another thing the panel lines are straighter. It is still a far cry from good though! You'd think I'd be getting better with my tablet, having had it for almost a year, but noooo...
Um anyways, I don't think anyone wants to hear my depression about drawing ability.

In actual news, tomorrow we are going camping in the White Mountains (which is a ridiculous name for something in Arizona-they are brown and tan mostly) with family friends. I have to dress up as a zombie and as a dinosaur, because I promised two separate friends. So there might be some very unusual pictures up here soon.
Also, as of today I only have one week left in Phoenix! I'm leaving very soon! I've been having problems deciding which books I want to take along, and I'm going to really go spare when I have to chose which notebooks I need.


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