Who put these bodies between us?

Jan 10, 2008 15:48

So yeah, game is still down. Let's talk about something else. In fact, let's put up a short story, just for interest.

"Still there?"
She pulls her eyes away from the crack in the door, turns to me. 
"Still there. Friggin' scum, I wish he'd get the message."
"We're going to have to go out at some point. I really need to pee. Come on, Cess, give it up, he's not moving."
I'm fidgeting. Fucking Cessily and her fucking psycho boyfriend. I do not want to piss out the window. 
"Ira, gimme a break." She leans against the doorframe and lights up, cupping the cigarette in her hands to keep it from blowing out. Usually I love watching her smoke- she attacks the cig like it tried to kill her mother. Chomps the filter down hard and sucks half of it up at once...it's better than TV. But I am really not in the mood today.
"Cess. He's not going to do anything. He's just going to beg you for another chance. Just unlock the fucking door!" I yell. She rolls her eyes. 
"Way to give us away, dick."
"Oh, like he didn't know we were in here."  I'm pacing now. "God dammit Cess unlock the door!" 
"Jees, okay, fine. I'll deal with his whinging so you can go take a piss, which by the way you can do anywhere, Ira, seeing as you're male..."
"Just because you have no personal hygeine doesn't mean I have to..." She turns the handle. Yes! I'm shooting down that hall before her boyfriend can even get the words out of his mouth.

In the restroom, I'm washing my hands when I hear a door slam. Shakes the whole dorm...I look over out the window and see the kid racing down the steps, face glowing so red I can pretty much see it from two stories up. Cess must have shot him down again. Shocking.
"Thanks a lot, you fucker." She's waiting outside the door, scowling, arms crossed. I tap her on the head with my knuckles, smiling when she curses.
"Come on, Cess, let's go out and climb a building."
"I'll push you off the roof." 
"I'll drag you down."
Arguing, arm in arm, breaking into laughter as we get out into the sun. Poor kid, poor Cessily's boyfriend. He wanted to own her. Everyone knows that it doesn't work that way wth her. She's a force of nature. The only thing you can do with Cess is hang on tight, and that's what I do as we cross the busy street. I hang on tight to this infuriating girl and hope that she never finds out how much I love her.

story, song

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