So I ended up at home tonight drinking some white wine and watching the director's commentary of The Blair Witch Project, which I've seen before (pirated off the internet), but because I love commentaries felt it necessary to rent and watch again.
So here's my thoughts on the pirated version of the movie:
When I first saw this, I was sort of lackadaisically watching it while talking on skype with some internet friends. I believe I characterized it as "the real horror of a couple of film students who don't have access to cigarettes".
I actually did like the movie a lot, because of the acting and the weird meta aspect of it, although it actually didn't scare me much. I was fucking horrified by the scene where Heather (the girl) opens a bit of flannel and finds a bunch of bloody teeth, but that's because I have a fear of bad things happening to teeth (and fingers) and know, tailor made to make me flinch.
Anyway, I did actually like the movie, although the ending didn't freak me out as much as it should've, but I guess I got some abridged version of it because there's all this stuff in the official, legit version that I'm watching now that wasn't there when I watched it the first time, and man, some of this stuff I really, really wish I'd seen earlier. I'm going to have to go back and watch this full version sometime when it's not 2 am and I'm drunk off white wine, but I think the addition of these scenes will be enough to actually scare me, which the other version never did. I'm not sure how exactly to account for the difference, but I'm guessing based on the commentary that what I got was the Sundance cut, and this is the final cut.
In any case, I guess I felt it necessary to blog about this, and I'll have a full review of the full movie later? I dunno. Also later I'll let y'all know why I'm posting drunk on a thursday at all.