Dec 30, 2010 13:38
Year end meme time!
Post the first sentence from the first post of each month (but only the ones with substance - no Tweets, memes, surveys, etc.)! :D
January: When I got back to Phoenix over break, the first thing I did was go to the Tempe Public Library, one of the few things about Tempe that I miss constantly.
February: Today (feb 1) is official Hourly Comic day, which means I have to draw a few panels about every hour of my day that I'm awake.
March: So when I was home in Phoenix for the weekend my sister and I went on a nostalgia trip, as we are wont to do, and spent an afternoon making fun of our younger selves.
April: So I lost my job yesterday.
May: I guess this is my Doctor Who review blawg now..
June: I'm back from Europe, man.
July: So I'm trying to plan a story which involves realistic mutations (i.e. not the X-men- no powers), and I was researching birth defects, mutations, and other developmental stuff when I came across this video on youtube (which shows preserved infants and fetuses with very serious deformities, so don't watch it if you're easily upset or triggered by this sort of thing). Note from the future: Holy run-on sentence, Batman!
August: Pretty excited about Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World you guys.
September: First, remember how I started a mixtape blog ages ago and pimped it here? Note from the future: I actually have a new mixtape coming, seeing as how I haven't posted there since October this has a nice ring of irony.
October: I've decided that I'm moving my funny, non-meme, interesting stuff to a "real blawg", and so hopefully I'll post there often and whine here a lot less. Note from the future: I've got stuff coming up for that too, also haven't posted since October. Oh, the irony!
November: Dunno what the title is a reference to...I feel like it's a combination of the old folk song Sixteen Tons and the Stars song Celebration Guns, but I'm not sure why it's in my head.
December: I said I was going to do this a while ago, and what better way to wait for my Ipod to synch than to sum up what NaNoWriMo was for me?