The Teeth of Wintertime

Nov 27, 2010 14:30

Obligatory NaNo update: 41k and counting. I've been writing 3000 words per day in a desperate bid to catch up. I really, really want to win.

Now that that's out of the way...
  • Thanksgiving was fun, good food was eaten, I polished off the last of the mashed potatoes about 10 minutes ago.
  • My parents found out about the car being towed and paid the bill for me. They weren't mad but now I feel guilty because it obviously bummed them out that I didn't tell them earlier...which was not because I feared their reaction but because I don't want them to know how much I suck. I am not sure how to make them understand that they are totally awesome and I am somewhat less so.
  • My top secret internet project is finally getting some recognition and it is making me veeeeerrry happy but I'm still not talking about what exactly it is.
  • I am totally stoked to see Mitch and Lacey this evening
  • And finally, I am pretty sure I'm becoming overly politically correct. The word "civilized" made me cringe the other day, even though it's a reasonably valid word and it was being used, um, well, not exactly offensively if not entirely accurately either.
Okay, back to typing! When the NaNo is over I will A) Tell you if I won or not, B) talk in lists some more, and C) share my thoughts on the writing process, how I feel about the story, and how stupid editing is going to be.

Also I'm going to update Blog Your Face again, exciting times!

bulleted entry, phoenix saga, what i done done, nanowrimonster

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