Good with time

May 03, 2010 18:58

I guess this is my Doctor Who review blawg now.

So I just finished watching the 2-parter, and again, mixed feelings. First, I think I like River Song now, just because I'm a sucker for anyone who's a bitch to the Doctor. That's why I loved Donna so much, and if River keeps it up, I'll keep liking her.
I also love the stone angels to an absurd degree. The reveal in the first episode (OH SNAP ALL THE STATUES ARE ANGELS) was so well done and unnerving, and I love the meta angle of them- i.e. you never see them move on screen, because we the audience are looking at them. Which is why I was so bummed to see them actually move. I mean, it was certainly visually arresting, but come on. It ruined one of the most unique and creepy aspects of the guys.
The only other thing that I really didn't like about the episode is that, once again, the companion wants to jump the Doctor's bones. Has he got time/space magic that makes him irresistable? Or do we just really, really need a male companion or, as Kat suggested, a lesbian? At least this time Amy is up-front about it, and seems to only want time-cock rather than a relationship. Plus somehow it seems to fit with her character...she seems to wildly rocket between hating him and wanting to fuck him, which at least is complicated. They'd have so much hate sex if they got together.

Back to the positives: I liked the cleric army. It was a weird, kind of stupid concept but it worked, and I didn't think it was going to. I especially liked the head guy, whose name I forget, but he was very cool and even managed to pull off a dying speech that wasn't cheesy and actually made me very sad to see him go. And poor Amy, having to deal with all that shit with her eyes shut. Actually I thought she was very resourceful in these episodes, especially in the first one where she faces off against the TV angel. And while I was annoyed with the time crack thing because I thought the foreshadowing was too blatant, if they start bringing it out this early in the season I don't mind at all. I like the idea of a more serious arc, rather than just foreshadow foreshadow foreshadow OH DANG SEASON FINALE BLOWOUT!!!1!! like it was back in the days of Uncle Rusty.  It also looks like the writers are gearing up for a massive retcon, which seems to have already started. The earth seems to be largely unaware of aliens once again, thanks to the time cracks, which I like. Hopefully most of the major changes will be similarly good.

So...overall thoughts? Yes to plot, yes to the Doctor still being a total asshole and yelling a lot, and no, no, freaking no to more Amy/Doctor kissing and carrying on. Next week there will be dances with vampires, and it will either be hilarious and awesome or totally awful, I can see no middle ground.

And now it's time for me to finally watch The Princess And The Frog, reviews probably forthcoming!

reviews, doctor who

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