woopity wooo

Dec 05, 2004 21:29

hooray!!! i finished my project today!! i'm so proud of myself for finishing early. i told myself a week ago that i refuse to be one of those people that are printing out 10 mins before they have to present and nothing ever works right the first time and you turn it in all fucked up.... well i finished early. my project is medium good, and i think i will do fine. as soon as i finished, me and the aims went to walk on's and got some grub and a few beers to celebrate. that was relaxing. OH!! I SAW STIFFLER!!!! he was walking out when we walked in. i just looked and i was like "man that guy looks farmiliar... holy shit that was stiffler!!" it was cool.

so now i'm here trying to study for chuck's test on tuesday. i'm trying to get an early start again because i have to work every day this week. monday-sunday. that's gonna be fun. oh well, at least i'll make some bling and i can buy every single one of my friends a huge ass christmas present. yay!!

i feel so much better now that all this crap is behind me. i haven't even presented it yet. that's the most important part, the presentation, but i feel like it's already over with even though i still have the possibility of failing. oh well.

dude, i found this cool website that has sound clips from songs like stairway to heaven, and it plays them backwards and they have satanic messages in them. they also have that one from the beatles where they say "paul is dead..." before he died. it's really weird.
check it out http://www2.memlane.com/jmilner/stairwaybackwards.htm
anyway, you kids have fun
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