(no subject)

Jan 23, 2009 03:21

so classes started wednesday! i'm taking developmental psych, american history 1 (colonial-civil war), stagecraft (building sets and shit), and ceramics. i managed to be late to both psych and history, the former because i was stuck behind someone doing 40 in a 55, and the latter because i was busy building brackets for the headsets in the theater. my classes seem fun though. i'm not super excited about psych, but ceramics and stagecraft will be fun, since i'll be making stuff a lot, and my history prof is pretty awesome. we have to write a paper later comparing two sections of society in the 19th century; i'm really looking forward to writing that. i'll probably use irish immigrants and like the mob or something, haha.

i've also started rereading the first harry potter book, in anticipation of reading the whole thing in spanish. i already went and ordered it through the interlibrary loan, so hopefully it'll be here before i finish the english version, though at the current rate, i'll have it finished by saturday night. i read too much, haha.

for ceramics, we need to make a little creature, using two hollow halves, and then we have to add limbs and stuff, so i've decided to use one of my creatures from spore! i can't decide which one, though. these are all the creatures i've made, but i just can't pick! i was thinking of either doing jakava or qixitar, but i'm not sure. i don't have ceramics until next wednesday, though, so i've got time to decide.

anyways, i should probably get to bed. i need to leave my house no later than 9:30, and i've been aiming to be up before 9, so i have time to straighten my hair and pick out something cute to wear and actually bother with more than just eyeliner and mascara. althouuuuugh i'm awfully hungry, haha. i think i'm gonna go grab something to eat before bed, but then i'm off to read harry potter!

school, i make good choices

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