Sep 04, 2011 20:04
I have been back from Edinburgh from a week, and now I am bored.
I want to meet people and do things and instead I am sat in a dreary room in Finchley doing nothing and seeing nobody.
So I need to get out and do stuff, collaborative projects especially - and I need to meet people.
A few years ago Marysia Kay arranged a Saturday thing whereby all the people she knew met and had coffee on a Saturday. It ended up being very wonderful, with all sorts of people from all sorts of backgrounds attending.
As things tend to do, it ended People moved away from London, had other things to do on the weekend.
Before that I used to meet people as part of the Zokutou writers' collective. That ended in the same way as the coffee get-togethers
And before that I met loads of people through a mutual love of the TV series Smallville. We met a lot and it was great.
This partly ended for the same reasons as the other two but also because we all got a bit bored of Smallville.
I miss those days.
I need to go out and socialise again, and also do more acting, gigging, or something.
Why have I lost touch with absolutely everybody, though?
I need socialisation and interesting work and I need it asap.