air travel return to hell

Dec 26, 2009 10:26

updated 12:15pm: and so it begins. new restrictions - SF Gate and new restrictions - NY Times

Air Canada:
passengers not permitted out of seat an hour before landing.
passengers not permitted to access overhead compartments.
passengers not permitted to have anything in lap such as laptop computer, pillow, etc.
passengers not permitted carryon luggage, or limited to a single item if absolutely necessary

American Airlines:
passengers not permitted out of seat an hour before landing.
passengers not permitted to access overhead compartments.
passengers not permitted to have anything in lap such as laptop computer, pillow, etc.
passengers not permitted carryon luggage, or limited to a single item
passengers and lugggage (if permitted) rescreened at the boarding gate before allowed onto airplanes

original post, 10:28am gee thanks, motherfucker.

In what was described as an act of terrorism, a Nigerian passenger attempted to ignite an incendiary device aboard a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on Friday as the plane began its approach for landing, federal officials said. Other passengers overpowered the man and the plane landed safely.

this motherfucker had some powder in a vial strapped to his leg. then then injected some liquid into it with a syringe. it combusted.

remember the shenanigans regarding absolutely, positively no carryon liquids after the incident a few years ago. there were trash bins full of bottles of shampoo, wine, perfume, body lotion, etc. in the news for weeks as people were made to throw items away before going through security. then finally being permitted to carry 3oz containers in quart baggies in carryon luggage. however do not dare bring a bottle of water through ever you terrorist, you. buy some on the other side now that you can. remember when no liquids not even water could be bought in the stores on the secure side of the security screening so you could take a multi-hour flight parched. ah yes. those were the days i look forward to returning to.

so, now i expect we will not be permitted to carry anything in a suitcase on a plane that are toiletries. nothing. nada.


travel, idiots

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