amateur hour detective

May 09, 2009 23:22

i r puzzled.

two weeks ago there was a triple murder in georgia. a college professor shot and killed his estranged wife and two individuals involved with a theatre company during a picnic. a manhunt has been conducted since april 25th in order to locate the professor. on may 1 his jeep was located.

today his body was discovered approximately one mile from the jeep. this is the part which has me puzzled.

This time, the search lasted 10 minutes. Madison, a 7-year-old Australian Shepherd, did what she trained two years to do when she led the volunteers to Zinkhan’s buried body at 9:50 a.m.

“The body was beneath the Earth,” said Athens-Clarke County Police Chief Jack Lumpkin during a press conference Saturday afternoon. “It was purposely concealed in a manner that was designed not be found for a significant amount of time, if ever,” source: atlanta journal-constitution

the guy was buried with a single gunshot to the head. the pair of weapons thought to have been used in the murders were buried with him.

he buried himself? apparently so according to this other article.

zinkhan's body found

Fugitive murder suspect George Martin Zinkhan III dug his own grave and covered himself with debris before firing a single bullet into his head, investigators said Saturday.

wraps up neatly though, doesn't it? how bizarre.

human nature

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