(no subject)

Dec 15, 2008 20:11

if this isn't a reason to grow and cook my own food i don't know what is. in today's global economy there is a lot of food and food processing ingredients coming from all over the world. quite a considerable amount comes from china. i have pretty much ceased buying any processed foods over the last three years. i frequent farm markets for local produce.

melamine, which supplemented wheat gluten, was an ingredient used in pet food sold in the US and Canada killed hundreds of pets. that same additive was in baby formula and chocolate candy sold in China, New Zealand, Australia, and other oceania countries. it caused deaths and illness in thousands of babies.

China bans lye, boric acid as food additives
Government crackdown is aimed at improving shoddy food safety record

Among the 17 banned substances was boric acid, commonly used as an insecticide, which is mixed with noodles and meatballs to increase elasticity, a statement posted on the Ministry of Health Web site said. Also forbidden was industrial formaldehyde and lye, used in making soap and drain cleaner and added to water used to soak some types of dried seafood to make the products appear fresher and bigger.

health, food

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