Jan 06, 2014 22:05
Well, being at work apparently makes me feel more productive. Probably because I had to do stuff (lots of stuff!) and I like what I do and who I work with so I was on a positive note.
I didn't get done everything I wanted tonight, but that's okay. I did reserve a book from the Mississauga library on embroidery (costume related, naturally), research a bit with Korean embroidery but not really get anywhere (so the book is on Chinese embroidery), dinner, didn't fall on the sidewalk and salted it, drafted up a longish email for cosplay stuff at AN, updated the organization website (that took the longest - Joomla doesn't play nice with Chrome for some reason, and it took me a while to figure that out). Also got groceries on the way back from work, including PB from Tara's. Tried to watch a bad movie on Netflix (Rubber) but it didn't play so I watched Supernatural for background noise.
To do tomorrow:
- email to Tinchen
- drive home weather permitting
- find large manila envelope at work for mailing something
- save pay stub into google file
I think January's Focus will be "organizing".
I have a colour chosen for the tea hutch, but need better weather to paint it, so I have to put that on hold and move forward with other things. That includes:
- taking stuff to Goodwill. Must remind myself that I don't need "ALL" the stuff for one trip - just get it OUT of the house for now and can always make a second trip later! related to this is clean dresser(s).
- Japan memorabilia. Scan, scrapbook, photo album or toss. Then once that's all done, I can work on determining how best to share/store the items as I'll know how much I have and what I need.
- schedule of studying for certification exam in August (i.e. what books to start with, etc).
- the Do ALL THE THINGS list, in sections (house, sewing, career, kimono, etc) and prioritize
- create an annual calendar so I can have TKC events and gaming and other things and people I arrange things with can see when I'm busy (a shareable one, not the one on my phone that's private)
- reduce the number of starred emails in my inbox to <10
Anyway, this list could go on forever, so I'll stop now and head up to bed. My 10PM "go to bed!" alarm just went off, so this is it!
to do