Jul 23, 2013 09:11
Hey all! I know it's not much notice, but there's a summer festival in downtown Toronto on the 28th, and it's COSPLAY FRIENDLY! I know for a fact as one of the organizers asked me to let everyone associated with Anime North know, as they'd love to showcase this overlooked part of Japanese culture.
MATSURI is presented by Kurakake Company, and is a Yonge-Dundas Square from 10AM to 10PM. They'll have Japanese music (taiko and others), music, art, cuisine, live performances (like a Yukata Fashion Show* organized by the Toronto Kimono Club), arts and crafts, photo opportunities with models done up (as authentically as possible - they're using outfits from Christina, who organizes the Kimono Fashion Show & Kimono Display at Anime North) maiko and geisha, maiko makeup demos, and more! Plus, it's TOTALLY FREE TO ATTEND.
I know ConBravo is that weekend, but if you were leaving it Sunday afternoon anyway, you can just stay in costume and come on by and check it out (as mentioned, the festival is until 10PM).
Also, if you'd like to showcase your costume *ON STAGE*, they'd like to have a Cosplay Fashion Show in the evening (6:45PM-7:15PM is the time slot), MC'd by Kevin, who did the AN fashion show, and who has organized the Fashion Show and the AN Masq before.
*if you'd like to be part of the yukata fashion show, let me know! I still need a few models.
X-posting as many places as I can think of