emmacarradine posted this, and I got interested-after fighting with Fëanor and a lot of cringing, i gathered up these.
Post your very first icon that you made (if you have it, if you don't, the OLDEST one that you have) along with your newest icon. This will allow you to show how you have improved in iconing skills and tag five friends to see how they have improved.
I think most of these were made in May 2003, but one of them has been dated 1-24-03. That's not the way I would have written it if it had been made in the January, but on the other hand I did think I had been making icons rather longer than two years...anyway. That was back in the days when the only tools I could use were crop, border fill and text-without anti-alias. Resizing was just coming into vogue ;)
Some of my more recent ones:
Well, it's clear that if I've learned nothing else, at least they tend to be a much neater, tidier size now :)
There are a couple I'm not sure about-I might want to do more to them later, but I thought I'd put them up anyway. I hadn't realised that I had quite so many icons sitting half-finished in my folders :)