I was thinking about the
potc_elite roleplay and Will Turner, and have come to the conclusion that, as far as writing is concerned, there's not much to be said in his defence: not when he's pitted against the likes of Jack Sparrow or Norrington (whom I was never going to get my hands on, anyway =) ) I mean, he has a few witty lines, yes; you can't help liking the guy, certainly; he's the emotional-dramatic-y-hero, without a doubt (well, he fades out midway through kissing Keira Knightley pretty thoroughly, so you can draw your own conclusions.) The undeniable fact remains, however, that his main asset is his prettiness, and since in RP you only get inside his mind rather than-actually, this sentence is going absolutely nowhere fast ;) but you see what I mean: what's the point of Will Turner if you can't see him?!?