I have been having a hard time sleeping. I haven't been drinking caffiene. I haven't even taken any Excerdin b/c it has caffeine in it. So I should not be having a caffenine over load. But yet I go to sleep at 8am and wake up 1p-2:30p then go back to sleep around 6p til 9p. I did some research and I found these drinks sleep drinks. I read a few reviews from grave shifters who had awesome results with them. This commercial looks so calming! Man,I hope this product works. I am going to try to call the dr today and get an appt for Mon for allergies,inhaler and Lexapro. The second commercial is the drink from them I want to get for Matt. since he has skin issues,Vitman D is supposedly good for them. Right now he is taking Vitman D3 and Vitman E everyday.
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