Jun 03, 2004 16:39
i think i'll update me journal just so you people can realize how much you bitch and moan all the time. It's pathetic, you believe that writing poetry with all its ryhme schemes and stressed and unstressed sylablles is a way to vent your frustration and try and make you feel good about yourself. I bet you never really try to fix the probelms in your life; and if you do, you proably just get fed up at the first few attempts and then proceed to cry and feel sorry for yourself. Its as if everything for you goes wrong, and your so lonely and you miss this person or what not. Your so fucking annoying and gay, and yes i realize i don't have to read your journals and yes i know you think im a fucking asshole who thinks they know it all. But i could hardly care because to most of you, i already am an assfuck, and im putting in my words to just tell the people who bitch and complain on a regular basis to SHUT THE FUCK UP. And if you dont like me, thats great because your a fucker anyway who cries like a 7 year old with a skinned knee. In conclusion stop writing your gay little things about how things suck like some dick on MTV's "Real World".