I just spent about a 15 minutes typing, and then it all went away with an accidental click of a button.
I havn't updated in a while. I'm probably going to jump around, time wise, just go with it: Regents are this week. Anna is coming over after my english regents tomorrow. We are going to get lunch, have a picnic type thing in the park, wlak around central square, come back here, possibly go swimming...::slap:: sorry, I was day dreaming. We have plans to meet for lunch nearly everyday that week.
I took anna to dinner and a movie about a week or so ago. I had been wanting to take her out for a while. I know what you're going to say honey, "just spending time with you is enogh." I think so to, bu baby, you deserve to have a good time at someplace fun.
I made a website for Anna and I. I finished it up yesterday.
http://www.geocities.com/belgos_bladeslinger/Soulmates.html My birthday is the 23rd!!! I am having a laser-tag party and then a family dinner the next day. Anna is comign to the dinner. (you're all ready considered family hun;-)). I can't wait. I can finally get my permit!!! I know why they call it "sweet 16", I can drive!!!
Well, i'm going to go practice drivign right now. I'll update soon. I won't let it go so long again. well... I love you baby.