
Apr 11, 2010 22:29

Comment to this post and I'll give you three of your fandoms. Then copy and paste the questions into your journal and fill it out.

01. The first character I fell in love with:
02. The character I never expected to love as much I do now:
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't:
04. The character I love that everyone else hates:
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer:
06. The character I would shag anytime:
07. The character I want to be like:
08. The character I'd slap:
09. A pairing that I love:
10. A pairing that I hate:
11. Favourite character:
12. My five favourite characters:
13. My five least favourite characters:
14. Which character I am most like:
15. My deep, dark, fandom secret:

gingerhobbit  gave me Merlin, Doctor Who and Harry Potter.


01. The first character I fell in love with: Predictable, but it has to be Merlin himself. Those ears, that cheeky grin and a mention of a "prat" and I was gone. 
02. The character I never expected to love as much I do now: Gaius. He is The DUDE.
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't: Leon? I like the guy well enough, but I don't get the obsession.
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: Mordred. Not sure if everyone hates on him actually, but still.
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: THE SLASH DRAGON. He's served his slashy purpose, now he needs to stop harming Camelot thanks. 
06. The character I would shag anytime: Merlin.
07. The character I want to be like: GAIUS. 
08. The character I'd slap: Morgana and Uther alternatively. 
09. A pairing that I love: Arthur/Merlin
10. A pairing that I hate: Gwen/Merlin
11. Favourite character: Gaius.
12. My five favourite characters: Gaius, Merlin, Mordred, Lady Catrina, Arthur.
13. My five least favourite characters: Nimeu, Slash Dragon, Freya, Lady Helen, Valiant. 
14. Which character I am most like:  Hunith? God knows.
15. My deep, dark, fandom secret: Not so dark or deep or secret, but I do prefer my fic AU. Happy Endings FTW!

Doctor Who

01. The first character I fell in love with: Boring but it's totally Ten. DT was the reason I started watching Who and Ioved him instantly. 
02. The character I never expected to love as much I do now: Donna Noble. Epic much? The Runaway Bride annoyed me but now I love her.
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't: Rose Tyler.
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: Lady Christina. 
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: I don't think I have one... 
06. The character I would shag anytime: TEN. 
07. The character I want to be like: Donna Noble. 
08. The character I'd slap: Matt Smith? Love your Doctor, BUT STOP MAKING PUPPY EYES AT KAREN GILLAN. 
09. A pairing that I love: Donna/Captain Jack. 
10. A pairing that I hate: Rose/The Doctor.
11. Favourite character: Donna Noble.
12. My five favourite characters: Donna, Lady Christina, Wilfred Mott, Captain Jack, The Doctor (pre emo). 
13. My five least favourite characters: Rose Tyler, Amy Pond, Astrid Peth, Face of Boe, River Song.
14. Which character I am most like: I hate this question.
15. My deep, dark, fandom secret: I don't really get the Doctor/Captain Jack thing.

Harry Potter

01. The first character I fell in love with: Hermione Granger.
02. The character I never expected to love as much I do now: Severus Snape
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't: Harry Potter. 
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: Draco Malfoy. 
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: Harry Potter.
06. The character I would shag anytime: Draco Malfoy. 
07. The character I want to be like: Professor McGonagoll. 
08. The character I'd slap: Lord Voldemort. XD 
09. A pairing that I love: Harry/Draco.
10. A pairing that I hate: Harry/Snape.
11. Favourite character: Draco Malfoy.
12. My five favourite characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood,Narcissus Malfoy, Lily Evans. 
13. My five least favourite characters: Ginny Weasley, Pancy Parkinson, Lucius Malfoy, Percy Weasley, James Potter. 
14. Which character I am most like: Computer says Sirius Black. XD
15. My deep, dark, fandom secret: I pretty much have no squiqs for my OTP.

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