Aug 07, 2005 00:53
Hello wonderful people of America...
Today was ok...boring but fine..I helped my dad move stuff around in his house I hung up clothes cleaned put things know the normal stuff..then ALEXA called me Koolness right..well I talked to her then I decided I was going to go and pick her I did and we hung out all day then Jean took us school clothes shopping so that was kool I only got a shirt and a pair of pants but I don't care I didn't spend that much money cause dad didn't give us that much seeing as he had to pay a whole lot of money this week in moving in and all that. Well Alexa spent the night she is asleep right now seeing as its so late..but thats ok..She taught me to do some very minor changing on the whole layout thing as you can see I learned how to change them not make them on my own I daresay I wish but to change them if I'm giving the right code I can even change my little comments box thing now neato right? well anyway today was very busy I did a lot of driving around the neighborhood I know that it isn't like driving on major rodes but hey you have to start somewhere My mom is making me get my permint as soon as school starts which strange enough is Monday scary aye? I will be a Senior. Alexa isn't in school anymore her mom pulled her out last year. She wants to go back to school or so she says that she does...I lurve Alexa bunches....I don't know what I would do without her..prob. be a very boring person. Well hmm..what to talk about now. Oh ya. my mom is insane now..I'm for real she is kinda crazy she cries over the littlest things she was crying over tables today..which I can see why she was and all cause my dad bought new tables for his place and she wonders why he never bought new tables for over her..
I'm not allowed to see D and Trish until I turn 18 but i sneak over there every now and then just to kiss Trish and DJ I hardly even have held Ethan that was suppose to be my baby just like DJ I was suppose to be there and be all over him just like I was with DJ I was there since he was born and I was his SIS now I can't even see him cause my mom doesn't like them anymore I don't care I'll see them if I want to I love them a lot what does she want me to hate them too just because they have a disagrement...
My mom has a new saying when we argue she says girl you and I are going to butt heads and I'm going to win..well if we 'butt heads' I'm sure I will win cause I have a harder skull I mean come on I fell down a flight of stairs and landed on my head all it did was bruise it...I'm just joking I know what she means well anyway...I don't even like Hamsters that much but everything on my layout is HAMSTERS.
well anyway i'm going to bed love you..