Tidbits from Pakistan (posted by: Devin)

Sep 29, 2007 06:26

- I was in a minibus (think - a super-small minivan, smaller than the ones in the US) with 21 other adults. Twenty-one. Including three guys who didn't have seats and were just crouching in the aisles. Minibuses are a great way to get around Lahore and Islamabad - they come every minute, can get around the town quickly, and cost between rs. 4-10 (about 8-20 cents).

- It's Ramadan here. Most people are observing the fast from sunup to sundown (the devout are starting right now, at 6:26, the fast will run until 7:28 this evening). I have fasted from food before and could manage that aspect, but I would find avoiding water in the 40 C (104 F) heat very difficult.

- There is a magical time here between sunset and dusk when people rush home or to the market to prepare to break the fast (Ishtar). Before the sunset, it is crazed - the traffic is terrible, the streets are packed, everyone is in a rush. And then the call to prayer sounds and people disappear into their homes and workplaces. (1.5MB .mp3) And all you can hear is the occasional motorcycle or rickshaw. It is as if the city itself must rest.

- The next week will be a critical test of Pakistan's 1973 Constitution. The Supreme Court dismissed today the petitions challenging Musharraf's qualification to sit for reelection as a uniformed officer, which is clearly prohibited by the constitution. But they did not decide the issue at hand. Instead, they found that they lack jurisdiction to hear the case. But today, the Pakistan Election Commission will determine the qualifications of the 43 candidates for the office of President. It is the Election Commission's decision that is key. The Commission will almost certainly find that Musharraf is eligible, and it is that decision that will be challenged by the opposition. Today, the Supreme Court decided not to decide. But they'll have to decide this issue in the coming week. (Here's my headline from FSRN's broadcast from today ~10 mins. into 13MB file).

- One of the landlord's "staff" came into the apartment this morning after I was cleaning up after my breakfast. He looked at me dumfounded. And said: You clean by yourself? I replied yes. He replied: Aaaaatcha (literally meaning "good" but nonverbally meaning "really?").

pakistan, ramadan

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