Random thought of the day: The Bible supports evolution.

Nov 19, 2010 18:20

To start, I am an apologetic atheist under the definition of it meaning "without religion." I was raised Catholic, so I know the stories pretty well, but I am very against the concept of organized religion and the crazy things people do because of it. However, due to a recently overheard conversation on the bus this morning I've been thinking:

So according to bibleontheweb.com, in Genesis it says "The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, cursed are you above all cattle, and above all wild animals; upon your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life." This seems to imply that the serpent at one time was doing something else rather than being on its belly all of the time. It evolved from one thing into something like the snake we see today? I doubt the theorize evolution works that way, (tetrapod to limbless seems counterintuitive, but I'm not an evolutionary biologist) but going with the "Bible is divinely inspired" and is therefore "perfect," is this God's way of hinting to evolution? Sure, kind of "divinely directed" evolution, but evolution nonetheless.

I think it ironic that those who vehemently deny evolution may be able to find evidence to satisfy them in the very book that they say denies it is a possibility.

It will be interesting to try this argument on my very Catholic father at Thanksgiving.

Any thoughts?

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