I made jam today for the Horticultral show in about three weeks. Lovely raspberry.
Also finished the sleeve of my jumper, and started the cross stitch Dalek.
Here is all the stuff ready. I have stuck all the pieces of the chart together on a bit of card so it is easier to handle.
I know the frame looks a bit small on my stand, but my other frame is too big and I need to buy an indermediate one. I'm going to use the stand anyway, as it stops my wrist from getting knackered. It's not putting pressure on my wrists tha does them in, but doing things with them at awkward angles. Holding an embroidery hoop is one of those things. Guitar Hero is another.
So I have started. It's a different cross stitch from what I usually do. My normal samplers have figures and objects dotted around the canvas; this is one whole picture covering the canvas, not unlike tapestry. It's going to be interesting.