Aug 25, 2008 16:32
Internet access is resumed. I've been offfline for the better part of two days because of my brother and Father messing with the computer.
It seems to happen everytime he comes to visit. Brother says "You've got to do this," Father believes him and they go off to the computer shop to buy whatever gadget has been recommended. Then they come back, start installing said gadget, brother goes home, gadget doesn't work, and Father has absolutely no idea what to do.
This time it was Skype and a new wireless router. Don't know if the Skype works yet as that hasn't been fully set up yet. It's the wireless router that messed up our access. We wondered if it was BT doing thins, as has happened in the past, but after nothing doing this morning, Father phoned the help line.
I left him to it, but he has a lot of stuff scribbled on a piece of paper about a hard reset. The problem? He has no idea how to do it, and I'm not touching it; I know when I'm out of my depth.
I suggested unplugging the wireless bit and hardwiring back into the modem. We found the old internet box and the installation CD luckily, and with some of my wizardry, we are online again.
Why brother and Father can't just leave the computer alone, I just don't know. They always seem to mess it up.
I don't know if the router is faulty, but if we are still having problems in a couple of days, would anyone like to give me some pointers?
Rant over, now back to the rest of the weekend.
The bump is called Sproglet, and by Tuesday, we should know if it's a boy or a girl.
Sang at a wedding on Saturday. Strange wedding. It felt almost as if the couple hadn't given the church side any thought at all. The church was half empty, there were no service sheets, no extra flowers, the congregation didn't seem to be joining in the hymns or prayers, and the couple talked during my solo. Really, if you're not going to make the effort, why have a church ceremony in the first place?
In the afternoon, we went off the MK to Ikea and John Lewis to look at baby stuff. There was a lot of comparing of cots and funiture. The parents bought Sister-in-law a rocking chair with matching rocking stool, and a baby carrier to go with their buggy. We also picked up a high chair.
Saturday night, I watched the first two episodes of 'Taking over the Asylum' again as BBC4 are repeating it. Mother liked it, so that's a feature of the next couple of weekends.
Sunday was frustrating internetless. The Olympic closing ceremony started at lunchtime, so I have yet to watch it. I wish they had actually got a proper Olympic athelete instead of David Beckam. Is he really the best we have to offer?
david tennant,