Voyage Award

Jul 06, 2016 01:11

One of the things that has bugged me about my Guiding/Scouting career is that I never managed to complete my Queens Guide/Scout.

When I was a Guide, the award was moved from the Guide section to the Senior Section, and the Baden Powell Trefoil was created instead. This came too late for me to complete, although I did look at the syllabus.

I then went to Venture Scouts and although we were aware of the Queen's Scout award, our leaders never activley encouraged us or supported us in working for it.

When I came back to Guiding, I joined as a leader and it wan't until I was 24 that I discovered that I was still elligable to do the Queen's Guide, although I had restricted time. This time I got most of the way through, but because I didn't have a network of Guides my age (and this was pre-internet), I couldn't find anyone to join me on the expedition part (you need four Guides under 26).

A few years back, I heard of the Voyage Award; an adult award in the style of Queen's Guide with three levels and no maximum time limit. The only downside is that you have to be a member of the Trefoil Guild to do it. Well, I have now decided to join the Trefoil solely so I can do this award. The record book has arrived and I am planning what I can do for the five different sections for the Bronze Level.

Skills (20 hours): I have booked myself onto a conducting course this summer, the next level up from the one I took three years ago. This is the main reason why I have decided to start the Voayage Award now.

Myself (40 hours): It suggests to develop a skill or interest you already have, so I think I could dust off my lace bobbins and learn Bucks point lace,as I did mainly Torchon lace when I first learnt over 25 years ago.

Explore my World (20 hours): One of the suggestions is to cover a long distance path, so I thought I might walk the Aylesbury Ring.

Teamwork (10 hours): Don't know yet, but there is time to find an activity to help plan and organise.

Service (40 hours): Unfortunately, because I already run a Brownie Pack, I can't use that for my service. If anyone knows of anywhere I could help (especially if it can be in a school holiday), then let me know. It can be conservation, animal sanctuary, charity, etc.

The hardest part in all this is finding things that I haven't already done. I've gained the highest singing award with the RSCM; developed my sewing skills by creating a victorian outfit with corset; and so on. I have always been challenging myself and trying new things.

I shall try and keep you updated on my progress.

voyage award, girl guides, guiding

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