Don't let me loose on corset websites

Dec 24, 2014 11:31

In a fit of madness, I've just bought an outfit from a corset website.

My plan is to cosplay a female Tenth Doctor. I'm not sure when, but I had a passing whim that didn't pass. I need to source some high heel converse now. I've spotted some black ones on Ebay that would do, but I'd rather have white ones as Ten wore those more than the black.

The next questions now are; what shall I do with my hair? and, do I steampunk this up a bit?

First though, is getting the corset shirt to fit. The site was only down to a couple of sizes, so I bought the larger one which is still a size smaller than I usually buy from the site and I can't do it up. Then I thought, "Corsets are made in two halves. I just have to buy a longer cord so the lacing at the back is further apart; it won't show under the jacket!"

doctor who, cosplay

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