Summer Holiday - Week 4 Lincoln

Aug 25, 2011 15:52

This was my annual holiday to sing in a cathedral. This year it was at Lincoln, which I hadn't sung in since 1999.

The Cathedral is lovely and when the sun is out, the stained glass makes the most wonderful patterns of light on the floor.

One of the pictures in the windows caused some hilarity. Some choir members were debating what part of the Bible they came from. I said, "That one is Pentecost because of the tongues of fire on their heads." The response was, "I thought they were wearing fezzes." That made me and a fellow Soprano to crack up and say, "Fezzes are cool!"

There was a set of 'Stations of the Cross' all made out of wood, and the artist had cleverly used the natural shapes of the wood in the sculptures.

Lincoln cathedral is famous for, amoung othert things, being at the top of a big hill, so if you want to visit the town, you have to walk down 'Steep Hill'. And then back up again. We were all complaining of sore feet before the week was out.

Accomodation for a lot of us this time was at a college about 20 mins walk away from the cathedral. Basic (like my first year at Uni), but adequate.

Each day was pretty much the same;
  • Get up
  • Breakfast
  • Walk to Cathedral
  • Sing
  • Tea break
  • Sing
  • Lunch/wander around Lincoln
  • Sing
  • Service
  • Pub
  • Meal
  • Sleep

The music was a good mix of stuff I knew and some new pieces. Possibly the hardest is the Kelly in C, which is a Marmite piece, and not many of us like it.

On Wednesday I went on a boat trip.

My other photos are on Photobucket.

A very nice week with lovely company. Next year will be at Hereford Cathedral.

laudate, singing, cathedrals, holiday, summer holidays

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