Redemption 2011 - Sunday

Mar 10, 2011 21:05

Back to wall to wall panels for me. But first....

Out into the fresh air, early in the morning (gasp!) and a quick pop around to the Cathedral for 8 o'clock communion. I knew it was going to be in the Lady Chapel, but the Cathedral website didn't say where that was. Luckily I met someone else going to the service and they took me along. It turns out to be at the far end of the Cathedral, right at the foot of the giant tapestry (cool). So there I was in full Ranger uniform and teddy to match, and no one batted an eyelid. I wonder what they would have thought if I had turned up as Morgana?

Came out to a lovely sunny morning; I understand it rained a lot later; and headed back to breakfast.

After loading up the car with everything we had brought on Friday, I headed to my first panel, 'Writing bad Blake's 7 fiction'. I had no idea what this would entail, but it turned out to be a 'fill in the blanks' version of story writing and was completely hilarious. A great way to start Sunday.

I stayed in the same room for 'Comparative fictional theology'. This was interesting and discussed why most writers creating a religion usually fail. There were some books mentioned as examples of good fictional religions, but I didn't take note of them.

I hadn't thought of bringing my knitting, but I spent a lovely 50 mins in the knitting workshop discussing things like grafting shoulder seams, different yarns and frustrating patterns that ask you to pick up the same number of stitches as you've cast off. Then I went to sign up for Red 13. Someone ahead of me asked to move backwards in the queue so he could get number 42. I ended up with 36, 37 and 38, the highest I've ever been for a Redemption.

I was a little late for the 'Ruler of the Universe' hustings, so missed conosaurus_dex 's pitch. Plenty of other fun things though with The Master and Big Brother creating mayhem. Cast my vote in possibly the first ever non-riggable Redemption election and then went back to the main hall for the next panel.

This was 'Worst SF show of all time', and plenty of candidates were offered. Most made us go, "Oh wow. I remember that!" (Automan and Manimal being two). Strong contenders for worst show were Andromeda and Glactica 80. It was noted that some stuff that looks cheesy now wasn't back in the day as it was cutting edge then. Too many shows got a mention for me to remember them all. I offered up Invasion:Earth as one show that really didn't deliver, and I've forgotten most of it.

I slipped out before the end as I had to get to the reading of 'Man of Iron'. For the first time, I had a part; non-speaking; but a part none the less. I was a human robot with a banana that cleverly switched from gun to dagger. R was in the audience, but his photos are not very good. Anyone with better pictures; I would love to see them. The room might have been a bit cramped for all the cast to stand off stage, but it was a hoot.

We finished just in time to get to the closing ceremony. Dexter came third in the 'Ruler of the Universe' election, so well done him! I picked up a prize for my fancy dress, and discovered that Green won the Drazi War! (GREEN!!!!) Not sure where the yellow Drazi came from that wiped out all our points.

Retired to the bar for a free parking drink, and the raffle draw. Didn't win anything, but close a few times. I wouldn't have minded staying for some of the later panels, but the designated driver wanted to get home before it was too late.

Off we went then into the rain and back to real life, work etc.

My Evil Morgana got a good reception outside the con. I had to model it to the Brownies later in the week and then wore it to school for World Book Day. Plenty of long corridors to sweep along there. Everyone was most impressed.

redemption, sci-fi, conventions

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