Summer holiday - day 13

Aug 04, 2010 02:07

I can't quite tell from the chart what this bottom bit is supposed to be. It will be interesting to see it develop.

I woke up very late this morning; I do that once every holiday; and had a leisurely breakfast of pancakes.

Also today I made the bread for the horticultural show next week. I made the dough and then wondered where to put it to rise. Ever since we got a new boiler, the airing cupboard is just not warm enough. If the sun is hot enough, you can put it outside, or Mother sometimes puts it in the greenhouse.

I thought, "Where is the one place that it is always warm even on the cloudy days in summer?"

Guess where I put the dough........ in my car!!!! It worked a treat.

show, summer holidays, daleks, cooking, embroidery

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