Thoughts on 'Amy's Choice'

May 16, 2010 12:50

I probably have to watch it again, but my first thoughts are,

The Doctor has to really fight his dark side. We know what happens when it comes out (WoM). The Dreamlord (why didn't we pick up on that name sooner?) is much smaller than the Doctor, so his dark side is a relatively small part of his psyche.

The two dreams being the Doctor's and Rory's. It's obvious why Rory dreamed the perfect life with Amy and a baby. The Doctor's being a frozen tardis? Is this indicative of him wishing to have nothing change; to keep everything as it is? For a man who has seen so many people come and go, nothing being permanent for him, the eternal nomad; wishing he could keep this time when he is happy, seems natural.

As to Amy's choice. Perhaps it is the Doctor's subconscious manifesting itself to force Amy to choose between the two. The Doctor knows that he can't give Amy forever. He doesn't want to give Amy forever and she has man that loves her very much, but she can't see that. The Doctor tried to get her to realise in the previous episode, but that didn't quite work out as planned, so he was probably figuring out what to do next when the pollen struck.

So Amy has now realised that she does want Rory, but she wants to live a bit first. Rory, hopefully has realised that the Doctor is not a threat, but also he might need to compromise his dream a bit to keep Amy happy.

Sorry for rambling. Hope that makes sense.

doctor who, tv

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