Spring Horticultural Show

Apr 10, 2010 18:06

Today was the Spring Show. Smaller than the summer show, but just as competitive.

I went in six classes and got prizes in four.

The judge liked the gingeriness in my gingerbread men. That came from my hand slipping with the ginger. Must do that agin.

The item made of fabric wasn't as impressive as last year's Victorian Torchwood, but they still liked it.

The photo was 'On my Travels' and I do remember taking quite a few of the Forth Bridge. This one came out well with the perspective.

This is one of my favourite patterns and is destined for an imminent baby. I was beaten into second by Mother.

Of the two I didn't win, one was the digital phot and there were loads of fantastic entries. The other was my lemon curd, which unfortunately I used a pickle jar for (I had smelt it first, but my nose obviously isn't that good), and so it spoilt the taste. Shame.

show, sewing, cooking, knitting, photography

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