Hopefully my line stays stable today... and hopefully they talk about stuff I can understand. I need the cheer-me-up.
They still haven't reached the title call. XD Yoko and his long stories. hahaha (At least it's not the Yasu story again. ^^; )
Finally the title call. :P And Hina reels off the usual stuff....
Musekinin Hero~!
Recomen Girls' Ranking
Theme: Boyfriends who... what? I didn't get the last part. -__-
Ah shucks, I'm not understanding much today... and my eyes feel tired. (How can this be? It's only 9! Ergh... Guess work was more tiring than I thought today. >.<
Caller #1 - she's buying all three versions of Musekinin and her favourite is Ohkura
Caller #2 - Kana-chan
Buying both limited edition versions of Musekinin Hero. Yoko can't seem to remember what's on the A-version and what's on B-version. >_>
She likes Yoko~
It's interesting how Yoko seems to talk more... more... er... more cutesy? When he knows it's a fan of his. haha
Yoko told her to please watch M-Sute tomorrow night. (I'd watch it too... if it was live on Animax. sigh)
Johnny's Station
- something about Koichi's butai, Endless Shock
- KAT-TUN's new single coming, White Christmas
- Arashi's 24th single releasing soon (Beautiful Days - but I'm sure everyone knew that already)
Yoko thinks that Arashi getting so many tie-ups is amazing (Beautiful Days for Ryusei and the coupling song for the au CM.)
And they're saying how happy they are that FINALLY they have a tie-up of their own with Musekinin (for Urugusu)
Lotte Recomen
Caller #3 - 20 years old, bought all three versions of MH. Baru fan.
#4, Namiko-chan - 16, bought all versions as well.
#5, Natsumi -18, bought all versions (these people are rich. hahah)
What? I thought I heard something about Namiki-san...
#6 - Haruka, 14 - bought MH. Went for some even and saw Namiki-san too... Did I miss something somewhere? And isn't this kind of more people than usual? Or is it some special thingy that I missed? I feel blur... >.< "
Okay I think I mislabeled the earlier segment. *fixes*
Theme: Something about guys who cosplay on Halloween(?)
One no, three yes.
What, they're calling more people? I definitely missed out something. This must be some special thingy today...
#7 - haha she's almost speechless when they call her.
She likes Yasu... and still seems starstruck by YokoHina. X)
She gives Musekinin a score of 88, likes the A-version best..?
(Ah shucks someone earlier gave it a score of 100 - I think I forgot to note that. Now I've forgotten who it was.)
TOKIO the Ride~
(Evidently I ignore Stop the SMAP every week :P )
Taichi's talking about Inocchi's butai...
Whoops forgot to update a few minutes ago.
The theme is "dogs." (And I've forgotten the name of this segment. >.< )
Yoko's currently in the middle of another long story. haha
Calling another one.. Miho-chan.
Bought MH (which one of them hasn't??) - all of them (as have most of the others).
Likes "Kimi-kun" XDD
Midnight over there, and the title call repeats... for the - uh.. what do you call it? Expanded broadcast? lol... From Kansai only, and now on in the last hour to the rest of Japan too.
He likes winter in NY, although it's reaaallly cold. And "雪も似合う" hehe
... Why is he playing Mayonaka no Shadow Boy? (I almost typed "Cherry Boy" there. :P )
Recomen Otoko-juku
Hirokuni... 27!
Huh? What? What? What's going on? I don't get why the sudden explosion from them... OHH. IT'S KISSAKO.
It's Kissako, people! ROFL.
I find this just too funny... and evidently YokoHina do too. He knows Eito, and YokoHina are surprised
(I actually don't really know why Kissako's famous - anyone care to enlighten me? - but it's still hilarious, knowing how Yoko used to mess up on the name. ahahahha)
LOL. Yoko messes up on the name again! XD
Yoko's really happy he called~
And they're playing Kissako's Kokoro. hehehe
Yoko, still talking about Kissako: iya, chotto honmani bikurishita -- "ah, I was quite shocked there"
(too lazy to change to my kanji/kana typing mode)
Calling yet another - Chika-chan.
Bought MH, says the DVDs are the best. She really seems speechless. Likes Torn best. Yoko says, "yappari Torn." XD (Previously one or two of the others also said they liked Torn best.)
She likes Tegoshi - everything about him. Uh, okay.
She rates MH as 100.
Yoko says something about Miso Soup. ahahah
Yokocho can't seem to let the Kissako issue go. Says he's the worst in the world at katakana? 8D
A very out-of-breath and happy girl answers the phone next. Saya-chan.
She likes Yoko! And sounds REALLY out of breath. hahaha Talk about over-excited. She adds very eagerly that she likes Hina too, and Hina has to calm her down. Mommy Hina. :P
She was so happy to see Hina's piano playing and to hear Yoko's singing voice (in the DVD..?)
Gives MH a 95.5.
Yoko: Are you going to watch M-Sute tomorrow?
She gives some vague answer and Yoko's like, "what sort of answer is that?" lol
Michishirube now.
Reading a fan e-mail. Something about Kissako. XD
MH playing in the background. zenryoku zenshin da ja-ja-ja-jaannn...
And they really really can't get over the Kissako thing. lol
YokoHina close by telling us to please watch Music Station~
Ah, the ending part of this Recomen was so funny. :D And now I'm quite awake. (Not good. It's midnight. I should be sleeping soon. Not a good time to be so awake.)