Good thing I have a whole bunch of screencaps to laugh about. Takes my mind off upsetting and annoying things.
So on today's menu, we have K8's Janiben and TOKIO's DASH. :D
Janiben with Kanemura Yoshiaki
Or, The One Where Tacchon Loses His Mind
They had a little quiz thingy where the ones who got the correct answers would get to eat some really nice food, recommended by Kanemura-san (apparently an ex-baseball player).
In short: Yoko was the smartest and/or the luckiest, as he managed to answer all three questions correctly and so got to try all the good food. Tacchon and Maru were the unfortunate ones who got it wrong every time. Hina had it easy; since as the main host he didn't have to take part, he got to try it all without having to exert himself to answer questions.
Tacchon could barely hide his annoyance at not getting the first answer right. He stalked off to one side...
...while Ryo (and Yoko) were in raptures over the food.
Tacchon wasn't the only one 'suffering' - Baru and Yasu watched with longing eyes. Baru even commented, "I'm so hungry I could be hospitalised." LOL.
When Tacchon failed in the second round (along with Ryo and Maru), he just lost it. First he went round to the back.
Then something snapped in his brain and out of the blue, he suddenly yelled, "AH THIS STINKS!"
...and went on shouting it in utter frustration, much to the audience's immense amusement.
(See the grey figure in the background? hahah)
Hina made Tacchon sit down next to him and look at the food dangled before him.
Poor Tacchon... The caption there must have been so appropriate for his feelings at the moment: "A living hell!"
He looked so miserable and was almost pleading with his eyes: "Can I have some...?"
And the San Kyoudai gleefully gobbled their food before his very eyes.
Dear Green Ranger found it almost unbearable.
He tried to get away from the sight of food he could not touch... unsuccessfully.
Held in place and prevented from running away by Hina, Tacchon looked really... miserable. (That's the best word I can think of that sums up his expression.)
He decided that he couldn't take it any more and reached out for the nearest bowl of rice.
Hina noticed barely in time to stop him taking more than a grain or two.
"Give it back!" insisted Hina and Baru.
And Tacchon ate it.
Baru called him a rice thief, but he didn't at all look like he really minded. hahahah
DASH, 1 June 2008
Or, Leader & Taichi with Baby Animals
I rarely watch TOKIO's regular shows, but I just had to download this episode of Dash. This particular ep saw Joshima and Taichi going to various zoos to help put baby animals to sleep. One word to describe this: ADORABLE.
First, Leader had to deal with a baby bear. I feel like I wanna cuddle it.
Baby didn't seem very interested in him at all.
He even resorted to this:
The big white teddy didn't work, but eventually he managed to coax Baby to him with the help of a furry towel (I think the zoo staff lady said that it mimics the mother's fur or something - I wasn't exactly paying attention to what she said :P )
It seems that later, Leader constructed some sort of cardboard cave for himself and Baby Bear, complete with shredded paper for bedding.
Meanwhile... where was Kokubun Taichi?
He went to see wallabies~! Look, baby wallaby! Cuteness...
It would seem that he decided the best way to put a baby wallaby to sleep is to simulate the mother's pouch.
When the baby finally got into the pouch, Taichi-mama (I quote the narrator directly there XD ) went off to meet the other wallaby-mamas, whilst Bach's Minuet in G played in the background.
"Konnichiwa. Domo."
Taichi's next challenge was...
SHIMUKEN. A lion cub! *cue Lion King music*
Lion-chan doesn't seem to like white balls... Red ones are more appealing to it.
Taichi-mama plays with the baby lion... and tries to make it sleepy.
They moved Taichi and the cub to another room where it was darker - presumably to encourage the cub to sleep? It seemed more interested in chewing Taichi's hair at first, though. ahahahah
But gradually... After 15 minutes... And then 30 minutes... Zzzzzzz...
Leader got this really tiny and cute baby monkey to rock to sleep.
It's really small... And when it did fall asleep - soooo helplessly cute.
After the monkey, there were calves.
And Leader actually put on a cow suit. -__-"
He tried to play classical music to put the calf to sleep. It wasn't sleepy. XD
Leader pondered the fact that he'll be 38 this year... and he's dressed in a cow suit, futilely chasing a calf with a radio in hand.
Lastly, Taichi had to take care of a piglet. He had to give it a bath and then put it to bed. But what really cracked me up here was the background music - they used Star Wars Episode I's "Augie's Great Municipal Band". ROFL. (I know it well 'cause it's one of my favourite pieces from the Star Wars soundtracks. ^^)
Piglet jumped out of the tub and scuttled away. Taichi had to follow. xD
If I heard him right, when it jumped out, he told it, "If you go on like that, you'll catch a cold!" hahahahaha
Once piglet was all clean and dry, he rocked it to sleep.
(No, I don't know why he did it in the middle of the field.)
I loved the background music they used for this baby animals segment. So much Disney!! And Star Wars. xD I even made a list of songs I recognised throughout it:
Beauty & the Beast - Be Our Guest
Bach - Minuet in G
Pinocchio - When You Wish Upon a Star
Winnie the Pooh theme
The Lion King - Just Can't Wait to be King (Elton John version)
The Lion Sleeps Tonight
Strauss - Blue Danube
Star Wars Episode VI - Victory Celebration [ Also one of my favourite pieces from SW, so my ears instantly perked up when this came on during Joshima's part with the baby monkey. :P ]
Star Wars Episode I - Augie's Great Municipal Band
Eeeeek. It's 3.30! I took 2 hours to write this post... @_@ Time to sleep, time to sleep.