Janiben 2011.11.08
sort-of-translated here.
The guest likes snakes, so of course they're gonna have snakes in the studio. Yoko, Baru, Hina, Ryo and Tacchon do not like this. XD Maru and Yasu enjoy themselves though.
Things to watch for:
- Yasu and his, er, "interesting" behaviour with snakes.
- Ryo getting a huge fright. 8Db
- If you hardly see Hina, it's because he kept his distance by standing next to the pet shop guy the entire time. lol Actually, you hardly see Hina and Tacchon most of the time because they kept well away...
- The last thing you hear from Tacchon near the end. XDDD
Ah, and I should note this:
At one point the pet shop guy says that snakes eat mice. But he says "mouse" in English instead of nezumi. In the back you can juuust catch Yoko double-checking if he got the meaning right, "Nezumi?" and Yasu confirming it for him, "Mouse." xD
elennielSpot translator:
tuesday_756 Ok! Download link:
MF Have fun, everyone! ^_^
The password is: milkSnake
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Just for fun, let's do this... 8D (I personally react the Yoko/Ryo way. hahaha )
Poll Reaction to Reptiles And this brings the awesome week to a close~ Three sub releases and a wallpaper post in the same week! Phew...