In Which TOKIO Turn 10

Feb 05, 2012 01:07

Ai to Makoto (Love & Sincerity) 2003.11.25

TOKIO celebrate their tenth anniversary by taking a trip to Kyoto all by themselves and the various cameramen and other crew members.

Translator: tuesday_756
Spot translator: basil_ovelby
Subber: elenniel

The video comes in 3 parts, and I apologise for not doing all the on-screen captions... timing them all was just too tiring. ^^; Have a highlight summary along with the links:

- Joshima misplacing his train ticket, which was bought just minutes before.
- Nagase perpetually losing at janken and having to pay for everyone else. XD

Part 2 highlights:
- An old lady chasing after their train car to take photos of them
- Nagase being a total kid on a bus and wanting to press the button to get off. That "yaaaah" (or "daaaah" I can't figure out which) sound he makes is somehow just so funny. (4:40-4:45, thereabouts XD )
- Gussan and Taichi in an onsen
- Mabo making his appearance in style~

Part 3 highlights:
- TOKIO pre-debut and early post-debut videos
- Teeny tiny Sakamoto cameo, hee~
- Taopaipai, the Hawaiian native. XD (approx. 20:08-20:11)
- Pillow fight! (And then okami-san has to come and ask that they please be quiet. ahahaha)

I forgot to scramble or truncate the filenames before uploading. Dang. Oh well. Too lazy to rename and reupload all the parts, so here's the folder link anyway: MF folder
Some links are password-protected. The password for those is: toky010
** Edit: Sorry about the error for one of the links; I must have mistyped it or something. It should work now! ^^;

Please don't upload to streaming video websites or redistribute for profit


subs, tokio

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