(no subject)

Dec 22, 2010 23:46

So, I was planning on writing up a big thinky post on music while I sat at the airport earlier this evening. (I have many Thoughts About Music. They will probably make me sound at turns stupid and/or pretentious. You're warned.) Obviously, that didn't happen. Here's why:

It was so busy in our crew room I went upstairs to find an empty gate to sit in. On the escalator I heard a final boarding announcement for a gate, which meant that the flight was about to leave and the gate would probably be empty for at least an hour, which was all I really needed.

I set up camp, watched two people miss their flight by a minute, and then went about my super important internet business. One of the working gate agents sat next to me and struck up a conversation. Not unusual: he had to wait for a plane, I was in uniform, we were in the airport. By the time the conversation had rolled around to him inviting me to call him whenever I went to Europe if I wanted a travel buddy (which obviously didn't happen quickly), I figured out that he was hitting on me. I AM AWFUL AT THINGS LIKE THIS. I didn't even figure it out when he asked about the ring I wear on my left ring finger. Feel free to point and laugh. This is why I'm single and have been single and will probably remain single forever and ever, amen.

Anyway, he asked for a card, which I do not order, and then gave me his. He had to go up to the counter, and I texted my mother to call me in roughly ten minutes. I'd already told him I was on call with my company, so I figured I'd fake my way out of it. Worked perfectly. And then, during my escape, a Delta employee with GIANT MUSCLES (seriously, this guy was so huge I don't know how he fits in, say, a bathroom stall) saw me glance at him, gave me a huge smile, and said, "Hey, sweetie." I don't really see what's so hot about navy blue polyester, but it's literally the only time I get hit on (which is a very good thing).

I will write my music post tomorrow evening while I thaw from spending the day in downtown Chicago. I'm so ridiculously thrilled. I've been looking for a long Chicago layover for MONTHS, and it popped up at the last minute tonight. Thank goodness I was looking at open time (unstaffed trips) and the scheduler I talked to was nice. So now, not only do I get to keep my eyes peeled for any Empires people who happen to be wandering downtown, now I get to look for Team Starkid. I always laugh at myself when I do that, because I know Empires lives north of the city, and I have no idea where anyone else is, and besides, everyone is home for Christmas. It won't stop me from looking, though. Hell no.

In closing, aside from anything Darren Criss has done and will ever do for Glee, I think Marry You will be forever hands-down my favorite song they do on that show. Maybe that just means I'm a huge sap, but I don't care. I love it.
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