It's been aaaaages, you guys! Life around these parts is awesome. My vacation was wonderful, my sister is engaged, work has been going as smoothly as can be expected, and I'm prepping for a big move in June! All of my friends from college (well, most of them) live in Kentucky, and they're playing roommate shuffle for the next few months. Once everything is settled at the end of May, I'll be moving in to the vacant spot! I'm very excited, even though it will make things a tad more stressful at work, but I'm willing to try it out for at least a few months.
Here are a few things that have happened to me in the past week!
1. This was linked on Go Fug Yourself, but I have to repost it here:
How a Sandwich Makes You Its Bitch in 11 Easy Steps. I read this in the airport the other day and nearly ruptured something trying not to laugh out loud.
2. On Thursday, I had a three-hour "sit" in Chicago. (A sit is a ground-stop time in which we are changing planes, and can last up to six hours without the company having to give us a hotel. We also don't get paid.) During this time I wandered a lot and decided to buy some popcorn from Nuts on Clark, just to compare with my favorite Chicago popcorn-maker, Garrett's. I ended up leaving my wallet at the shop without realizing. I was just about to walk onto my plane to leave for Florida when a cop walked up to me and handed me my wallet. Nothing was missing, including the $100 in cash I had in there. Someone had found my union card (which I had just received and was the only place that had my company's name printed on it) and called to find out where I would be, and then two of Chicago's finest hand-delivered it to me. Yay Chicago! I love you forever!
3. I just got off of a really awesome 5-day trip. Good flying, good customers, and good crews. Amazing what a difference that makes.
4. Speaking of Chicago, I just finished reading
The Devil In The White City, and, um, can I say, new favorite book ever? And I'm not even really exaggerating that statement! I seriously cannot say enough about that book. The story (stories, really) and writing combined make for an incredibly compelling read, so to realize that it's 95% factual is just the icing on the already amazing cake.
I don't really have anything else for a list, but I can't stop thinking about that book. DAMN, BOOK. HOW ARE YOU SO AMAZING.
Oh wait, I did have more, but it had to do with people on the Internet getting mad about a flight attendant and lifting carry-on bags and I really wanted to take this person's whole rant/complaint letter and break it down about what really probably happened, but now that it's about 24 hours later, I don't really feel the need like I did last night. This is probably a good thing, as it most likely would have turned into a PEOPLE ARE BEING WRONG ON THE INTERNET situation.
Hi, friends, hi! I've missed you!