(no subject)

Feb 18, 2010 23:44

Choice pieces of vocabulary we've had to memorize for Russian class (in these exact combinations):

to kill someone with a saber - убить кого-то шашкой
to shoot oneself in the head and successfully kill oneself - застрелиться
to duel - драться
to challenge someone to a duel - вызвать кого-то на дуэль
19th century term for a gun misfire - осечка
to get as drunk as a pig - напиться пьянным как свинья
to spend the night with someone - пройти ночь с кем-то
to be expecting a child - ждать ребёнка
hat of a 19th century military officer - фуражка
organs of local self-government - местные органы самоуправления
legislative representative assembly - законодательно представительное собрание
bourgeois-democratic revolution - бурзуаная демократическая революция

and we didn't have to memorize this, but it's a gem:
to drink through (with an object like your estate, your horse, or your serfs), meaning to sell said item for money for alcohol - пропить
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