Nov 04, 2007 23:23
Amazing weekend. Full of ridiculous adventures: the choir concert, for one, which my parents came to : ) and which was so...perfect? except for the fact that I died on the Britten Chorale, but that was to be expected. and Byrd was exquisite. to sing, I mean - although I guess it was good to listen to as well ^^
Then the party afterward, which was amazingly fun for a rather cramped dorm room that must have had 40 people at its most crowded, blasting music, playing beer pong (our conductors almost played a game - Paul: "HEY EVERYONE, KEVIN WANTS TO CHALLENGE JIM TO A GAME OF BEER PONG!!!" Kevin: "no I don't, no I don't!"), and generally being stereotypically college-ish. And yet, I managed to hang out with most of the people I love best in Collegium (mostly Chamber Singers at this point) and have crazy conversations and laugh at ridiculous things and it was lovely. Also, running into Adam Singerman was really amusing (Adam: "I can't believe I'm at a college party, drinking [I was on large doses of prescription pain meds at the time, so I wasn't actually drinking, but... >.<] with ELLEN BRYSON. I feel so old.") And I just realized that I think I've found my family here. I miss my friends at home a ridiculous amount (seriously, I love you guys a LOT), but I'm finding good people here, too.
So, funny story: on Friday morning, I walked over to Annenberg in my pj pants and a hoodie because I wanted to get to breakfast at around 10 am, since my favorite bagels were all gone when I went at like 10:30 on Thursday morning. so when I'm walking back, who do I spy across the Straus courtyard but DREW FAUST, the PRESIDENT of the ENTIRE UNIVERSITY. (Mass Hall, where her offices are, is right next to Straus) So I, being in my pjs, do my best to avoid notice. However, she spots me, and the following conversation ensues:
Drew Faust: *spies Bryn Mawr hoodie* "Did you go to Bryn Mawr? ^^"
Ellen: "No, but my older sister does..." *slides further away toward the wall*
Drew Faust: "Because I went there!"
Ellen: "...oh!" *I know...*
Yeah, gotta love my adventures ^^
Further, on Saturday morning, I went on an adventure for more library books, and I ended up having to go down to the Business School Library (which is across the river in Allston) in the rain. Which was actually pretty fun, since the Business School is secretly soooo much nicer than the College - they have marble staircases in the main building/library! And I now have 20 books out of the library system right now. Which is a little embarrassing. And today was Phonathon for HRCM, where we went down to a law office in the Prudential Center and called Collegium alumni and asked them for money. Fun because Pamina and I got to make our calls together, and so sang on people's answering machines and laughed about people hanging up on us, but also rather unpleasant. Ah well.
*shuffles off to do more reading*