Another screenshot:
The code for the Pokemon pages is COMPLETE! There are three submenus; you can tap the buttons or cycle through using arrow keys or shoulder buttons or A, and go back to the main menu by tapping the X or pushing B. You can tap on the name of the Pokemon's evolved form to go to its Pokemon page!
All I have left to do to have this thing basically working is make all the sprite graphics (they're actually backgrounds I have to put together using sprites) for all the Pokemon @_@;; AND put in all the data! arrgghhh.
The thing to do after that is to add a "Search by Name" function, which will not be hard at all, then get to work on the List By Type function.
After that, I'd like to add move information instead of just having the names. You should be able to tap a move icon and have a screen pop up that tells you what the move does, etc. Also, I want the pokemon name bars (the blue bar behind the pokemon's name in the EVOLUTION section) to be color coded by type (ie green to purple gradient for Bulbasaur, grass/poison).
Eventually I'd like to have a small sound effect for changing menus and switching pages, and the ability to hear a pokemon's call (I have no idea where to get these sound files).
Soooo much work done, and a million times more to do still, but it's really going well! I just hope this thing will fit/run on an actual DS...